NIEF Mandatory Attributes, v2.0

Profile for proper assertion of all NIEF Mandatory Attributes as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
Publication Date 2021-09-01
Issuing Organization
NIEF Support No telephone No Mailing Address
Keywords NIEF, National Identity Exchange Federation, Attributes
Legal Notice This artifact is published by the National Identity Exchange Federation (NIEF). This artifact and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis, and NIEF disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty that the use of the information herein will not infringe any rights or any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In addition, NIEF disclaims legal liability for any loss incurred as a result of the use or reliance on the document or the information contained herein.

Trust Expression:

TIP_GFIPMAttributeGivenName and TIP_GFIPMAttributeSurName and TIP_GFIPMAttributeEmailAddress and TIP_GFIPMAttributeEmployerName and TIP_GFIPMAttributeIdentityProviderID and TIP_GFIPMAttributeTelephoneNumber and TIP_GFIPMAttributeFederationID and TIP_NIEFAttributeIdentityProviderID and TIP_NIEFAttributeUniqueSubjectID

References (9)

 TIP  GFIPM Attribute - Given Name, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the GFIPM Given Name user attribute (a.k.a. first name) as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_GFIPMAttributeGivenName
 TIP  GFIPM Attribute - Sur Name, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the GFIPM Sur Name user attribute (a.k.a. last name) as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_GFIPMAttributeSurName
 TIP  GFIPM Attribute - Email Address, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the GFIPM Email Address user attribute as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_GFIPMAttributeEmailAddress
 TIP  GFIPM Attribute - Employer Name, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the GFIPM Employer Name user attribute as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_GFIPMAttributeEmployerName
 TIP  GFIPM Attribute - Identity Provider ID, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the GFIPM Identity Provider ID user attribute as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_GFIPMAttributeIdentityProviderID
 TIP  GFIPM Attribute - Telephone Number, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the GFIPM Telephone Number user attribute as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_GFIPMAttributeTelephoneNumber
 TIP  GFIPM Attribute - Federation ID, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the GFIPM Federation ID user attribute as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_GFIPMAttributeFederationID
 TIP  NIEF Attribute - Identity Provider ID, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the NIEF Identity Provider ID user attribute as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_NIEFAttributeIdentityProviderID
 TIP  NIEF Attribute - Unique Subject ID, v1.0
Description Profile for proper assertion of the NIEF Unique Subject ID user attribute as defined by the NIEF Attribute Registry. See
ID TIP_NIEFAttributeUniqueSubjectID

Terms (4)

Term Name Abbreviations Definition
Identity Provider IDP A software entity that performs user authentication each time an individual presents themselves to a federated identity trust framework or issues user assertions about the individual for a given information technology session. These user assertions are presented to systems deployed by Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) in a federated identity trust framework for the purposes of access control and audit.
Identity Provider Organization IDPO An organization that vets individuals, collects attributes about these individuals, and maintains those attributes in an accurate manner. The IDPO may operate one or more Identity Provider (IDP) systems in a federated identity trust framework.
National Identity Exchange Federation NIEF A collection of agencies in the U.S. that have come together to share sensitive law enforcement information.
NIEF Attribute Registry A collection of attribute definitions that are intended for use by organizations and communities that wish to implement Federated Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) technologies within the context of the National Identity Exchange Federation (NIEF).
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