ICAM Privacy - Run-Time Selective Opt-Out of Attribute Sharing, v1.0
Defines privacy requirements related to run-time selective opt-out by end-users for attribute sharing during Federated ICAM transactions.
Assessment Step
ICAM Privacy - Run-Time Selective Opt-Out of Attribute Sharing (ICAMPrivacy-Run-TimeSelectiveOpt-OutofAttributeSharing)
When participating in a Federated ICAM transaction, does the organization allow the End User to opt out of the transmission of individual attributes for each transaction?
Provide evidence (e.g. organizational policies, procedures, compliance/assessment reports, etc.) that support the assessor's response to this assessment step.
Conformance Criteria (1)
When participating in a Federated ICAM transaction, an organization MUST allow the End User to opt out of the transmission of individual attributes for each transaction.
Section 4: NIEF Privacy Policy Rules, Item 1: Run-Time Opt-In for Federated ICAM Transactions