ICAM Privacy - Limitation on Use of End User ICAM Activity Data, v1.0
Defines privacy requirements related to limitations on the use of end-user ICAM activity data.
Assessment Step
ICAM Privacy - Limitation on Use of End User ICAM Activity Data (ICAMPrivacy-LimitationonUseofEndUserICAMActivityData)
Does the organization refrain from using information about its End Users' ICAM activities for any purpose other than federated authentication, audit, and privilege management, unless required by law?
Provide evidence (e.g. organizational policies, procedures, compliance/assessment reports, etc.) that support the assessor's response to this assessment step.
Conformance Criteria (1)
An organization MUST NOT use information about its End Users' ICAM activities for any purpose other than federated authentication, audit, and privilege management, unless required by law.
Section 4: NIEF Privacy Policy Rules, Item 3: Limited Use and Disclosure of End User ICAM Activities