OpenID Connect OP Requirements - Attributes, v1.0

The attribute requirements when asserting attributes/claims with an OpenId Provider.

Assessment Steps (2)

Valid Attribute Names (ValidAttributeNames)
Does the system use appropriate claim names for all attributes that it asserts in its tokens? As a guideline, the system should use standard OIDC defined claim names where appropriate for basic user information and well-defined, community endorsed claim/attribute names otherwise.
Sample Claims Statement
Provide a sample JSON claims statement.
Valid Attribute Values (ValidAttributeValues)
Does the system encode all attribute/claim values as JSON arrays, and are all values other than Boolean attribute values encoded as escaped strings?
Sample Claims Statement
Provide a sample JSON claims statement.

Conformance Criteria (2)

Valid Attribute Names
If the attribute definition for a transmitted claim comes from a published attribute registry that is recognized by NIEF, then the "name" of the JSON name/value pair (member) MUST be the full, formal name of the intended attribute or one of the published aliases of the attribute. If the published definition of the attribute includes an alias that is an Open ID Connect defined "standard claim" , the standard claim name SHOULD be used as the attribute name.
Valid Attribute Values
The value of the member MUST be a JSON array containing zero or more attribute values. If the published definition of the attribute indicates that the data type of the attribute is "Boolean", then the value(s) of the attribute MUST be Boolean values in the array. Otherwise, the value(s) of the attribute MUST be encoded as string values in the array.